PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia
Corporate Social Responsibility
Yayasan Panti Asuhan Kristen Yatim Warga Indonesia
Yayasan Panti Asuhan Kristen Yatim Indonesia is an orphanage foundation operating since 1992 located at Jl. Oro-oro Ombo No.131, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, East Java, Indonesia. On Friday, 14 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donations to Yayasan Panti Asuhan Kristen Yatim Warga Indonesia as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara
Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara is an orphanage foundation operating since 1996 located at Bibis Wetan, Tegalharjo, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. On Friday, 14 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donations to Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Panti Asuhan Mizan Amanah
Panti Asuhan Mizan Amanah is an orphanage foundation operating since 1995 located at Jl. Ulujami Raya No.111, Kel. Ulujami, Kec. Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Indonesia. On Friday, 14 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donation to Panti Asuhan Mizan Amanah as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Yayasan Insan Indonesia Bersatu
Yayasan Insan Indonesia Bersatu is an orphanage foundation located at Jl. Babatan III, Kel. Arjowinangun, Kec. Kedungkandang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. On Friday, 14 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donation to Yayasan Insan Indonesia Bersatu as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Yayasan Yatim Piatu Al-Muttaqin
Yayasan Yatim Piatu Al-Muttaqin is an orphanage foundation located at Anggrunggondok Reco, Kec. Kretek, Kab. Wonosobo, East Java, Indonesia. On Friday, 14 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donation to Yayasan Yatim Piatu Al-Muttaqin as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Madrasah Diniyah Raudlatul Tholibin
Madrasah Diniyah Raudlatul Tholibin is a school run by volunteer teachers under the Ma’arif NU Educational Institution located at Desa Deles, Kec. Bawang, Kab. Batang, East Java, Indonesia. On Wednesday, 19 January 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared some donation to Madrasah Diniyah Raudlatul Tholibin as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – January 2022.
Panti Asuhan Sinar Batam
Panti Asuhan Sinar Batam is an orphanage foundation founded on December 2014 located at Jl. Jawa No. 31, Batam. On Friday, 16 June 2022, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia visited Panti Asuhan Sinar Batam and shared some donation as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – June 2022.
It has been an annual activity for PT Seascape Survey Indonesia to share and celebrate Idul Adha. Donations were given in form of sacrificing a cow to a selected local Mosque each year.
For our Balikpapan branch, PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared a donation to Masjid Masjid Daarussalaam located at Perumahan Borneo Paradiso, Jl. Mulawarman, Sepinggan, Balikpapan as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – July 2022.
Prajoko Triwahyudi, our Balikpapan Site Manager attend on behalf of PT. Seascape Survey Indonesia to witness and celebrate this festive celebration.
May our scarification be blessed for others!
It has been an annual activity for PT Seascape Survey Indonesia to share and celebrate Idul Adha. Donations were given in form of sacrificing a cow to a selected local Mosque each year.
PT Seascape Surveys Indonesia shared a donation to Masjid Al Amin, located at Perumahan Taman Cikunir Indah, Bekasi as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – July 2022.
Arief Faizal, our Vice President attends on behalf of PT. Seascape Survey Indonesia to witness and celebrate this festive celebration.
May our scarification be blessed for others!
Panti Asuhan Anak Cemerlang
Panti Asuhan Yayasan Anak Cemerlang is an orphanage foundation founded in 2016 located at Perum Taman Raya Tahap I Blok E1 No.10, Gang Amil, Belian, Batam. On Friday, 21st October 2022 PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia visited Panti Asuhan Yayasan Anak Cemerlang and shared some donations as the act of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program – October 2022.