Air Diving System
ADS - 001
Air / Nitrox Diving System
Air/Diving System built by IHC Hytech in 2015. The System was built in conformance with ABS rules and IMCA Design guidance, it’s flexible and configurable to meet client’s needs and deck space.
Comprising of the following main components:
• 1 x 20ft dive control van, with on line inspection
recording facility
• 1 x 20 ft containerized, 3 Diving Panel & 1800 mm twin DDC (Deck Decompression Chamber) with online inspection facility
• 1 x 20ft containerized machinery van, complete
- 2 x Bauer Mini Verticus HP Compressors
- 20 x 140lt/200bar storage cylinders
- Air inlet analysis (LEL, CO, CO2)
• 2 x Independent heavy duty LARS (Launch and Recovery
• 1 x 20ft Stores container
• 1 x 10ft Rigging container
The system comes complete with advance Diver Data
Management and PMS technology:
• AxSub Diver Data Management System
• DiveCert Preventive Maintenance System
• DMAC Compliance
• Nitrox Ready

Modular Configuration:
The system can be configured for various Operations and vessel sizes, such as full back to back IMR diving using the complete system, to UWILD carried out from a minimal space vessel using a single DDC/Control van, Twin LARS and Machinery